Still Trucking along

It’s been an eventful few month’s here in louisiana.

Retraining myself to be able to work productively here in louisiana, upping workouts to 5x per week…. adding in just a little bit of weight and resistance in those same workouts.  Waiting for our grandson to show up….

Barely enough time each day to do all the things needing to get done… but busy hands are happy ones!

My diet is still sub 1200 cals, with being very high protein and a healthy balance of vegetables & fruits.

Have been stalled at the 260 mark for about two weeks now, stalls are a part of any weight loss process (sure doesn’t make them any better… lol… ) and typically when weight loss stalls you can see improvements in measurements and clothes sizes.

three weeks ago size 46 jeans were fitting great…. now that same pair of jeans (in which i took the “i like jeans again picture”) are now far to baggy..  I picked up some 44 regular fit’s and they are pretty good right now… but i imagine they will be headed for the donation bin pretty soon as well.

I need to start hitting the thrift stores again… 🙂

Here’s where i am at as of this morning,  Looking forward to some fun times with the family and friends this afternoon.

7/4/2014 up to 5 workouts a week, stalled at 260 now for 2 weeks

7/4/2014 up to 5 workouts a week, stalled at 260 now for 2 weeks

Happy 4th everyone!

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